Thursday, June 25, 2009


On my last post, I was telling you about a new system. I decided to do forward testing. As usual all testing was done on a demo account. No live account was hurt during the testing period.

The result as you see is superb. There are actually 2 part of testing. The early trades are done on a shorter time frame, 5 minute to be exact. The later part of testing is done on a longer time frame, 1 hour.

I must say the system looks promising on the longer time frame. On the shorter time, I just dont have the time to monitor the trades.

As of now the system is running on my live account. At the moment on 4th June my account is up 40%. Hopefully everything goes well and I will have good profit by end of the month. Will keep you inform on the result later.


On April 2009, I moved to Kuala Lumpur. A new place requires me to have new schedule. I dont have much time as I would like in front of a PC which means, shorter time for me to trade. It requires me to adapt to the time I have to trade and make a new system.

In my quest to adapt my existing system to a new time constraint trading requirement, I accidently stumble onto a new system. Its a very simple system that has shown good result for the month of April and May at the moment.

Just to show you what I have stumble upon, here is a screen shot of my demo account that I have used to run the test. It doesn't show high accuracy but it shows a return of over 100% last month and a small return this month so far.

Here is the hard part. What if I say that I can actually have an accuracy of 100%. Meaning I can win all the time with this system. The numbers you see there is me using a demo account trading with limited time with no regards for the system rules.

Would it be nice to actually win all the time. I will keep you guys posted on the result by the end of this month. In the meantime I cannot be online as long as I like to. For my friends, I know my YM is not online for a long time but just leave a message and I will answer when I have the time.